To upload an assignment within the classroom, you will want to navigate to and log-in. Once you have gotten to this home screen:


You will want to scroll down to the assignment area you want to upload within, I have used the Foundations for this example, and select the last option “Foundations of Interpretation Assignment Upload” (it will be black on your screen, not grey like this screenshot displays):  


From there, you will be taken to this screen:


And you can then open the folder on your computer where you have saved your completed assignment and drag it into the box with the blue arrow that is pointing down. Once it has been uploaded, you will want to select “Save Changes” and a confirmation screen will come up. 

Alternatively, you can select the button that looks like a piece of paper with a + over it. It looks like this:

That will take you to this screen, where you’ll want to select “Choose File”:


Once you have found and selected the file you want to upload, you can leave all of the other options as is and select “Upload this file”.

It will take you back to the previous screen, where you will want to hit “Save Changes”. It will then take you to a confirmation screen. Once you have uploaded a file (with either method) please email Nona at to let her know that you have uploaded a submission. This is also detailed on the submission upload screen.